April 23, 2010

Outdoor War and Military Museum, Odessa

The years of the Great Patriotic War or, Russian involvement in World War II.

Skip to Myloutually Assured Destruction. I really like the happy face on that vehicle on the left. It's like a little Japanese rabbit. This kid was really excited to get on top of the tanks, most of the kids were. Kids are so unafraid of tetanus.

I loved how they just let people climb all over these big, rusty, pointy things. In America, every vehicle would be coated with rubber and set behind a small fence. In Ukraine, if a kid climbs on a tank and falls off, nobody sues anybody.

Adults climbed, too.

She was posing for someone on the other side of the bus.

A pretty patchy and oddly curved drive-in screen. Very curious if they still show movies there, and what they would look like on such a piecemeal surface.

Map of the War of the Worlds. I'm pretty sure it depicts a Nazi invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent Soviet defense.

You could rent a bunch of different scooters and Hot Wheels type cars around here. Not sure if this kid rented, or brought his own. I definitely brought my own shadow though.

Tall lanky trees.

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