July 6, 2010

Support Mark Burrier's book on Kickstarter

"Never Stopped Loving You"

Illustrator Mark Burrier, who did the cover for I Love Bad Movies #2 and who also is great, is in the process of raising money to publish a first volume of his series Rare Words. For the Rare Words project, people send Mark words or phrases, which he then illustrates in any way he feels. Many of the illustrations are beautiful in their own right, and can become touching or funny next to the phrases that inspired them. If you go to Mark's Kickstarter page, you can see the many ways of helping out.

I'm in at the $50 level, which means I get a signed copy of the full-color book, as well as my choice of an original art piece. There are still about two weeks and $1,500 left to go, so pledge a few bucks and help a good human put a good thing into this frequently good world.

Some more Rare Words from Mark:

"Media Monarchy"

"Invisible Immortal"


All images copyright Mark Burrier


John Carman said...

I expected sarcasm, but that first drawing is the saddest thing I've ever seen. I'm going to go make a cup of coffee at 2 a.m. thanks.

Matt Carman said...

It really is. Amnesia Hotel is a little sad too, but mostly spooky -- and it's the Original Art piece when the project is (hopefully) funded.